Telegram bot @CLICKUZ
Are you an active Telegram user? Can't imagine a day without communicating with friends and family in chats and groups?
Then our Telegram bot @clickuz is just for you!
It will help you pay for various goods and services, transfer money from card to card, and much more without leaving your favorite Telegram. And it is user-friendly and intuitive! Everything is just as you like in Telegram.
What can it do?
Pay for the services and products of a huge number of CLICK system partners. Just go to the "Payments" section and select the category you need.
Do you want to transfer money from card to card? To find out the card balance or to pay in the shop? All these opportunities are already available in our Telegram bot!
Unique features of @clickuz!
Friends asked to top up their mobile phone number? Just forward the message with the phone number to the bot @clickuz (the phone number must be with the mobile operator code). It will automatically generate a payment and will request the deposit amount! You can choose the suggested amount options or enter it by yourself. After that you will only need to confirm the payment.
Also, in the chat with your close ones, you can transfer money directly in the chat or request a transfer. Just type @clickuz in the chat and enter the amount separated by a space (for example, @clickuz 20000). The bot will offer to transfer or request this amount from the the person you are chatting with. After that you just need to follow the instructions of the bot.
Please note that both chat participants must be connected to the bot and the CLICK system to complete this operation successfully.
Our bot @clickuz is also constantly learning to be useful. It constantly analyzes your regular payments and at the end of the month will offer to pay them in advance, so that you are not left, for example, without mobile communication or Internet access.
How to connect?
To get started, find it in Telegram via the search — @clickuz
You will need to select the language, and also send him your phone number as a contact. If you are already registered in the CLICK system, the bot will ask you to enter the code from the SMS message sent to you, as well as your CLICK-PIN.
If you are not registered in the CLICK system yet, the bot will offer to register and to add your plastic card.